
Christmas Cookie Bake-Off - Installment 1...

Task : Christmas Cookie Bake-Off for work

Game Plan : Bakerella's Cake Balls with my own spin

This will be the second time I have attempted said 'cake balls' they are much trickier than they look on first appearance.  The first time tasted delightful, but I would be embarrassed to bring them to any type of public function - especially if they were being judged.

I decided to make mint chocolate 'cake balls' (I don't like saying cake balls one bit - any suggestions?), because I think chocolate and mint = Christmas in my mind.....this may stem from my peppermint mocha Starbucks addiction.

First I baked the cake....per the directions on the box.  I wouldn't know how to make a cake from scratch if my life depended on it.

By the way - this is the most amazing spatula ever....if you ever see it anywhere - buy it....fast.

I let the cake cool for a bit and then cut it into chunks, which I placed in the bowl of the KitchenAid mixer to be mixed with the frosting.  But then I remembered that I wanted to make 'mint' frosting, so I emptied the cake chunks back into the pan - there were a few crumbs but since the frosting was going to be mixed in with the cake eventually anyways I didn't worry about washing them out.....it's not laziness, it's water conservation :).

I used peppermint extract, the box said to add 1/4 tsp. of extract to a can of vanilla frosting for 'mint frosting'....I think I added about 3 times that much when all was said and done.

After the frosting was mixed with the mint I started chucking the cake chunks in.

Eventually it got all smashed up and delicious looking.

At this point STOP.....remove your rings and/or other hand paraphernalia (unless you want it to be coated in a gooey chocolate mixture).

Then roll your little heart out.  I needed 24 for the cookie bake-off.....I should have extras we can use for neighborly Christmas gifts provided all goes as scheduled.

Since it's freezing out, I covered them and put them outside to chill for a bit.  For those of you who do not live in said freezing environment the fridge will do (or freezer if you are in a hurry and have room).

I made it through this part okay last time, it was the dipping in chocolate that provided a challenge - but it's good to know I'm not the only one who has trouble with it :)

...to be continued.


  1. You're leaving me hanging?! I can't wait to see how they turned out. Chocolate mint sounds fabulous.

  2. @Pink - I got distracted shoveling the copious amounts of snow out of our driveway. They came out decent enough to bring to work - so I'll post tonight with the results!

  3. Oh...now I want a peppermint mocha. I'm an addict too.
